The 7 Stages of Female Sexual Alchemy
By: Wayne B. Chandler
Level I. Mastery of the Female Deer Exercise
The female deer exercise is composed of two powerful techniques: one is the breast massage while the other is awakening and moving the microcosmic orbit meditation.
The breast massage is a natural means of shortening a woman's monthly bleeding cycle. Usually from 5 to 8 days down to one and a half or two. The breast massage also balances the hormones, prevents cysts, tumours and breast cancer because of the abundance of energy it delivers to areas that are typically devoid of such refined energetic contact.
The microcosmic orbit is a very powerful means to re pattern and circulate life force in a woman’s body. It reverses the aging process, removes energetic stagnation which can lead to serious health issues, feeds the internal organs and the body as a whole with life force, and creates the union of kan and li or masculine and feminine energy within her.
Level II. Ovarian breathing
Breathing into the ovaries creates a tremendous amount of life force and reproductive power. Because of the quality of life force, chi or prana produced, it aids greatly in toning the entire reproductive and sexual area as well as balancing hormonal secretions.
Level III. The Jade Egg Practice (To purchase a Jade Egg see details below)
The jade egg is a profound transformative and transmutive technique for
healing and enlivening a woman’s sexual and reproductive area. It is able to
transform confined sexual energy of an abusive nature brought on by undesired sex, rape and incest which has been stored in the cells. It clears these abusive signitures by transmuting them into higher healthier fields of constructive prana, life force or chi. In this way, its ability to release abusive toxic sexual signitures is both a psycho emotional release as well as physical. The jade egg enables the woman to experience great elevated states of pleasure that were unknown to her before. On a physical plane, the jade egg is unriveled for toning, strengthening, and activating the automatic contraction sequences found in the three vaginal rings. These sequences when active, flood the entire system with immense pleasure and life force making aberrant tissue growth virtually impossible.
Level IV. The Upward Draw
After the creative sexual force has been refined by the above practices, the
woman, via the upward draw will bring this life energy into the upper regions
of the brain in what is called single cultivation practice. Here in the brain,
the life force activates the 4th and 5th brain circuits. These are the circuits
that lend themselves to the states of esp, extra ordinary fields of perception,
telepathy, and deeper connection with self empowering attributes which
emanate from chakra activation or stimulation.
Level V. Dual Cultivation
Upon becoming accomplished in the aforementioned disciplines, a woman is
now ready to congress with her significant other in the exchange of dual transcendental sexual practices. If she is not active then she is still patterned
within her being to create a divine union with self love as she fuses the two energies of kan and li in her being. This is divine love, unconditional love, an expression of universal love that leads to true meditative oneness.
Level VI. Transcendence
After a woman has begun to traverse these new innerscapes of consciousness with the practices at hand, she has created the groundwork for many different powerful forms of meditation and the creation of internal guides or devices which will reside within her for her use when needed. She can now proceed to nei kung , the internal feminine aspect to chi kung.
Level VII. Holism
At this level a woman has opened herself to be conduit, healer of self and others and is able to transform energy at will into different expressions, textures and densities. She has arrived and can dictate her path, her direction as she reconfigures her own realitiy.
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