I can't tell you the amount of times I have been asked if homeschooling was legal. The conversation usually goes something like this:
Person: What school do your children attend?
Me: Oh, I actually teach my children at home.
Person: What do you mean?
Me: They are homeschooled. They do school at home.
Person: So how do they learn?
Me: I teach them...and they also learn on their own.
Person: (Gasps, opens eyes widely in shock) Really? Is that legal?
Person: What school do your children attend?
Me: Oh, I actually teach my children at home.
Person: What do you mean?
Me: They are homeschooled. They do school at home.
Person: So how do they learn?
Me: I teach them...and they also learn on their own.
Person: (Gasps, opens eyes widely in shock) Really? Is that legal?
Me: (Straight face) Nope! I'm a real bad ass (kk,that's how I wish I responded..lol) What I actually say is: Yes it is legal. As parents we have the right to provide our children with the education that we believe is best. The parental choice in education as promoted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26(3): |
I am still surprised by the number of people who think that it's acceptable to live in a country where parents have little to no say about how their children should be educated.
In my experience many people have never entertained the thought of homeschooling their children. When I say that people are shocked at the idea, I am not over exaggerating at all. For the majority of people who I speak to, I am the first "real life" home schooling parent that they have ever met. The point that I would like to make is that people shouldn't have to meet me or some other homeschooling family to know that it is not illegal to homeschool. Why isn't the parent's right to homeschool common knowledge for all? When a parent enquires about education for their child, homeschooling should be included as an option, along with private, public and religious schools.
Before taking my oldest son out of the public school system 6 years ago, I spoke to his principal and teacher at the time . I had done a bunch of research and had made up my mind to homeschool. I knew my rights and was ready for whatever guilt trip they were going to send my way. I spoke to the principal first and I was totally shocked by his reply. He told me that he had family members and a neighbour who homeschooled their children. "In my honest opinion, if homeschooling is something that you could successfully do, you would be giving the best gift to your son." He said.
Instead of opposing my decision, he praised my bravery and desire to bond and be responsible for my son's learning. My son's teacher was an older woman and she too encouraged me to start homeschooling as soon as I could. After speaking with both the principal and the teacher, I realized that they were both losing heart in what the school system was becoming. I knew then that educating my children was to great of a responsibility to entrust to anyone else.
I am not saying that all families should homeschool, only that all families should be aware that it is an option. Having homeschooled my children for 6 years now, I know that it can be challenging and a financial strain at times. Some parents feel that they are not equip to handle their own children, and actually many just don't want to have the added responsibility. It is not my intention to offend anyone, this is what I have been told. I have met several stay at home moms who still send their children out to school. Upon finding out that I taught my children at home they responded with comments like these: "Are you crazy?" "How do you handle them(children)?" " I would go mad!" " No way! I need a break from them(children)." "I am so happy when they're gone." "My children don't listen to me, so I wouldn't be able to teach them anything." "My hat is off to you!"
In my experience many people have never entertained the thought of homeschooling their children. When I say that people are shocked at the idea, I am not over exaggerating at all. For the majority of people who I speak to, I am the first "real life" home schooling parent that they have ever met. The point that I would like to make is that people shouldn't have to meet me or some other homeschooling family to know that it is not illegal to homeschool. Why isn't the parent's right to homeschool common knowledge for all? When a parent enquires about education for their child, homeschooling should be included as an option, along with private, public and religious schools.
Before taking my oldest son out of the public school system 6 years ago, I spoke to his principal and teacher at the time . I had done a bunch of research and had made up my mind to homeschool. I knew my rights and was ready for whatever guilt trip they were going to send my way. I spoke to the principal first and I was totally shocked by his reply. He told me that he had family members and a neighbour who homeschooled their children. "In my honest opinion, if homeschooling is something that you could successfully do, you would be giving the best gift to your son." He said.
Instead of opposing my decision, he praised my bravery and desire to bond and be responsible for my son's learning. My son's teacher was an older woman and she too encouraged me to start homeschooling as soon as I could. After speaking with both the principal and the teacher, I realized that they were both losing heart in what the school system was becoming. I knew then that educating my children was to great of a responsibility to entrust to anyone else.
I am not saying that all families should homeschool, only that all families should be aware that it is an option. Having homeschooled my children for 6 years now, I know that it can be challenging and a financial strain at times. Some parents feel that they are not equip to handle their own children, and actually many just don't want to have the added responsibility. It is not my intention to offend anyone, this is what I have been told. I have met several stay at home moms who still send their children out to school. Upon finding out that I taught my children at home they responded with comments like these: "Are you crazy?" "How do you handle them(children)?" " I would go mad!" " No way! I need a break from them(children)." "I am so happy when they're gone." "My children don't listen to me, so I wouldn't be able to teach them anything." "My hat is off to you!"

I am not the perfect parent and my children are not always obedient, in fact sometimes I want to pull out all of my hair (I have a lot of hair) Challenges within the family should be overcome by working together not by passing the issues on to others. The home is the first institution and the parent is the first voice of authority that a child should hear. By the time a child enters any system they should have a set of core values instilled in them. It is unfair for teachers to be responsible for what parents should have done or failed to do.
Teachers, on the other hand have said to me "Good for you!" "I wouldn't put my children in a public school" "We have our children in a private school" "All teachers know that they are really just underpaid babysitters" "When we have children I plan on homeschooling them." "it's hard to actually help all the children, someone always gets missed."
So there are some parents who feel that they need the school system in order to get a "break" from their children and some teachers who dislike the system but are still a part of it because they need the pay cheque. Sure, it may be great for the children but at who's expense? Exactly whose responsibility is it to educate our children? Unfortunately, not every country supports the parent's natural right to teach their children as they see fit. This is a freedom that we should never take for granted.
I am Thankful that although homeschooling is not the popular choice among parents in North America, those of us choosing to go that route can do so without fear of criminal charges, fines or imprisonment.
I am sure that there is much more to this topic than I have mentioned here, but I can only write on what I have personally encountered. I encourage all parents who are able to homeschool their children to do research for themselves in order to make the best decision for their children.
Teachers, on the other hand have said to me "Good for you!" "I wouldn't put my children in a public school" "We have our children in a private school" "All teachers know that they are really just underpaid babysitters" "When we have children I plan on homeschooling them." "it's hard to actually help all the children, someone always gets missed."
So there are some parents who feel that they need the school system in order to get a "break" from their children and some teachers who dislike the system but are still a part of it because they need the pay cheque. Sure, it may be great for the children but at who's expense? Exactly whose responsibility is it to educate our children? Unfortunately, not every country supports the parent's natural right to teach their children as they see fit. This is a freedom that we should never take for granted.
I am Thankful that although homeschooling is not the popular choice among parents in North America, those of us choosing to go that route can do so without fear of criminal charges, fines or imprisonment.
I am sure that there is much more to this topic than I have mentioned here, but I can only write on what I have personally encountered. I encourage all parents who are able to homeschool their children to do research for themselves in order to make the best decision for their children.
Please help bring awareness to the parents right to choose the kind of education that their children should receive, by sharing this article.
Coming Soon!!
What does it mean to Educate?
The "S" word - Socialization
Getting Started? Is homeschooling for you?
What does it mean to Educate?
The "S" word - Socialization
Getting Started? Is homeschooling for you?